The file for surviving relatives

If you die, do your surviving relatives know what your wishes are? Have you ever thought about what should happen to belongings after your death? Can you find your child’s or partner’s online account details should this be necessary? Do your surviving relatives know about all of your memberships? It is easy to record all of this information in your personal file for surviving relatives, and it prevents your surviving relatives from having to guess and search for answers.

This file for surviving relatives is a tool for surviving relatives. The file is intended for 1 person, especially because you can use it to record your own wishes and requirements for your funeral. In addition, it provides your loved ones with the answers needed for the settlement of the estate as well as other matters and financial matters after death. It also offers the opportunity to record information about the last will and about gifts inter vivos or after death.

Order the surviving relatives file now for  €29.99.